In the wake of COVID-19 and India's announcement of a 21 day full lockdown, issues of food shortages & access to other essential supplies has become a major concern. Thankfully it doesn't take long for the people of Goa to spring into action! Within a matter of days, numerous online portals have popped up offering a variety of resources, search engines & contact databases related to food, medical & essential service providers, home delivery options & available volunteers. Here's where to look!
Goa for You
Goa for You is a crowdsourced social welfare benefit initiative. A listing website to locate the nearest home delivery service for your daily essentials in terms of groceries and other basic requirements.
Search here:
Essential Goa Services Finder
Find essential services in Goa during Lockdown due to COVID19. This Portal will help you in finding operational Pharmacies, Hospitals, Grocery Stores (Home Delivery), Milk Booths, Home Delivery Volunteers and essential goods in around Goa. App works on Crowd sourced data. One can Update or Add data from their area, after verifying it.
Search here:
Goa Delivery App
App providing information & contact numbers for Goa businesses offering home delivery services, including food & medical supplies. The platform sources its information from groups such as Mapusa Municap Council, Taleigao Village Panchayat, Magsons, Porvorim Rising, and others.
Search here:
For additional daily updates, news & helpful tips, links, etc. in Goa, make sure you are following ACT FOR GOA on Instagram: @actforgoa
Plus, if you know of any other apps or websites providing vital information / services at this time, please let us know so that we can share it with our community. All information / links can be sent to Stay home, stay safe, stay calm.