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3 ways to donate today & help those in need in Goa during the COVID-19 lockdown

While many of us may be getting used to the new #stayhome routine, finding ways to work and maintain physical / mental wellbeing from home, the reality is a much larger percentage of the population is still struggling to get access to their everyday needs. Whether a family or group stranded in Goa has access to a kitchen or not, the problem is many have not had access to a reliable food source since the COVID-19 lockdown began over 2 weeks back.

Thankfully, a number of grass-roots groups & citizen led projects have sprung up almost overnight in order to combat the problem. So while we all sit at home (as we should continue to do!) looking for ways to remain informed & entertained, they are the ones on the ground everyday ensuring no one gets left behind.

Want to get involved? Here's three ways you can help from home right now!

Photos via @giveforgoa

1. Donate to Give for Goa & help send daily cooked meals to families & individuals in need in Goa

On account of the COVID-19 lockdown, many people are in urgent need of cooked food. There are people living alone and people who have limited or no resources to buy supplies. Give for Goa has set up relief kitchens and is giving out free food with your help to various villages in North Goa to feed those that are hungry. You can help Give for Goa by sponsoring necessary supplies such as eggs, dal, rice, flour, etc. However as their immediate needs are likely to change from day to day, best to contact on of Give for Goa's team leaders to find out what they need right now!

Give for Goa Co-ordinators:

Chrys Dsouza: +91 9822918618

Saul Sanches: +91 9309516278

Rolino Desouza: +91 9930801993 

Click here for donation details & to learn more about Give for Goa!

Photos via @livibrewer

2. Donate to the Goa Humanitarian Helpline & help distribute daily essential food packages to families & individuals in need in Goa

The Goa Humanitarian Helpline is a citizens initiative, by the people for the people. Set up to provide assistance to seniors, anyone in SOS situations, who is hungry, starving, or stranded during the COVID-19 crisis. Led by the founders of Sensible.Earth alongside Goa Outreach & countless other caring individuals, the group has quickly set up a food bank and are working tirelessly to supply families in need with daily essentials.

Currently, the team is in dire need of masks & general hygiene products to then distribute amongst the community. You can help by making a monetary donation or by sponsoring essential supplies to be delivered to Sensible.Earth.

Drop off location:

Sensible.Earth - 1 Design Valley, Defence Colony, Porvorim, Goa 403521

Donations can be made via bank transfer to:

Account Holder Name: Sanjiv Khandelwal

Bank Name: Axis Bank

Branch: Cuffe Parade

Account No.: 917010040636409

IFSC: UTIB0000447

Photos via @gemtracktravel & @nonasties

3. Support your favourite small businesses & travel companies who've been forced to shut due to the COVID-19 lockdown in Goa

Many, if not all of your favourite businesses in Goa have had to shut shop during this time to help stop the spread of Coronavirus, keep their employees & customers safe, and abide by the country's current 21 day lockdown. However, for a small business or independent travel company, 3 weeks without earnings can be detrimental to theirs and their employees futures. Thankfully there are a few ways you can help!

No Nasties, a local clothing brand here in Goa, published a valuable statement on the importance of supporting small businesses by doing "what you can, where you are, with what you have." Find No Nasties' posts on Instagram here!

The examples they gave are:

1) Give your vegetable seller Rs.5000 as an advance - you know you'll buy veggies sooner or later.⁣⁠

2) Pre-pay for 10 sessions from your local masseuse or your personal trainer or yoga teacher.

3) Pre-tip your waiter for 5 meals. Show them you care.⁣⁠

4) Buy Gift Cards from your favourite do-good / family-run / local small businesses.

Order in from a restaurant in your neighbourhood

Now it may seem frivolous to be ordering takeaway on Swiggy or Zomato right now, given all of the information we've just covered above but the fact is, your orders are helping these local businesses & their employees stay a float. Check online or reach out to your favourite restaurants and see if they're kitchens are open for delivery. Your support will make a difference!

#SupportYourTravelGems with Gemtrack

This campaign seeks to connect travellers with methods for supporting their favourite travel gems. Every travel gem that has a profile on Gemtrack’s website now contains information about the ways in which people can support them in this difficult period. Whether it is by buying post dated vouchers, donating directly or simply sharing their profile on social media to gain more visitors once the crisis recedes, these seemingly small acts can make a world of difference. Your contributions help them receive the funds they need to pay their staff even when they have to remain closed and make it through the crisis. You can be part of Gemtrack's mission by sponsoring your favourite travel gem’s profile on their slow and sustainable travel platform for a reduced price of €20 for a six month period.

Join the campaign & learn how to support your favourite travel gems here!


For additional daily updates, news & helpful tips, links, etc. in Goa, make sure you are following ACT FOR GOA on Instagram: @actforgoa

Plus, if you know of any other groups or organizations providing vital support & services to those in need at this time, please let us know so that we can share it with our community. All information / links can be sent to Stay home, stay safe, stay positive.


Submit your thoughts here:


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