Ideas for Goa | Film by JumpCut Goa
Ideas for Goa is a citizen led initiative with the goal to reignite Goa's economic engine for a post COVID-19 world with the help from your innovative ideas!
"A platform that not only reignites our economy post COVID-19 but also helps create a Goa that is more prosperous, sustainable and inclusive than the status quo and is a shining example for the rest of India. This is born out of the belief real change happens only with free flow of ideas and bottoms up citizen empowerment."
In times of crisis, one can easily feel overwhelmed. The future suddenly seems entirely uncertain and even the most concrete of life plans can now feel inadequate or un-relatable moving forward. However given the unique situation that this lockdown has been, and despite all of the damage it in itself has caused to the economy and those at the bottom line, it may in fact present us with an unprecedented opportunity.
For this may be the first time in modern history that the entire world has taken a moment's break.
Well, a +2 month break and potentially much longer break for any and all nonessential industries. Not to mention that is has in no way been a break for all those working on the frontline: essential care workers, hospital staff, relief workers, grocery store owners....the list goes on. But you get what we mean...
For the first time, at least in our lifetime, countries have been left at a complete standstill awaiting what's next. And while Goa has always been a semi seasonal state, with its unofficial pause and restart button occurring ever year as one season moves into another given the 3-5 month summer & monsoon break. It's only ever been just that, pause and replay. There has never been a reason or opportunity to completely reevaluate and start anew. Even though theres been a stir amongst the community for years on the desperate need for a rebranding of the state, especially in terms of the direction in which it's tourism industry is going...
So, that brings us to think that this is in fact an incredible opportunity.
A chance to reimagine the way things could & ought to be. An opportunity to come together and make the changes we want to see. Now of course there is the reality of livelihoods. Of jobs lost to the lockdown and the countless daily wage workers who have been left to fend for themselves with near to no support apart from the incredible local initiatives that have sprung up since the Janata Curfew was announced. These individuals, their families & the often unappreciated importance of their role within our society can not be ignored. Respect, sensitivity & inclusivity of all needs to be at the forefront as we collectively imagining a better way.
So, what does the future of Goa look like to you?

That's what Ideas for Goa wants to find out!
"We want to create a space and conditions to leverage people’s desire to participate for the greater good, give back to society in times of need, creativity and innovativeness to generate disruptive and exponential ideas that can be implemented quickly and sustainably. This platform is open to all to contribute ideas regardless of their background and is free of cost.
Most importantly and best of all, ideas generated are available to everyone for free."
Do you have ideas to make Goa a more prosperous and sustainable state!?
Join the movement to create Goa 2.0 by contributing your ideas, voting on ideas and spreading the word as widely as you can!
Public submissions of ideas is open until May 15th.
To learn more about the initiative & the people behind it, how to submit your ideas or become an ambassador of the cause, head straight to:
You can also follow @ideasforgoa on Instagram & Facebook or @for_goa on Twitter. And remember: